TWU Local 100 - NYCTA TUF



Transit Certificate Program

Members in entry level titles are now able to broaden their promotional opportunities. The TCP gives members the background information they need to prepare for promotional exams in operational titles such as Train Operator.

The TCP consists of three core courses and they are as follows:

• Job Duties of a Specific Promotional Title

• Worker Health and Safety (3 college credits)

• An Overview of Transit: A History of the Transit System and issues faced by the Transit Workforce (3 college credits)

Successful completion of all three courses will make Civil Service members eligible to take the promotional exam for a particular title. In addition, members can earn up to 6 college credits and can use them towards obtaining their degree.

  You will be required to take an assessment test prior to entering these courses.
   Please check with your school to make sure they will accept these credits.